Looking for a New Club? Why Not Operation One World?
Since the club’s start, Operation One World has been a huge benefit to new ELL students to Glenbard West. The club aims to match new ELL students with a mentor student in order to allow them to practice their English.
“It’s nice for them to be able to interact and have a friend outside of ELL,” says the sponsor Ms. Hoisington. Mentors and students can meet up before and after school to do homework, attend school events, or just to have someone to talk to and hang out with.
“Mentors and buddies communicate as much as they need or want to throughout the year, so it’s fairly informal,” says Ms. Hoisington. In the past, there has been an application process to become a mentor, but this year the process is completely open to anyone interested. The club also is extremely flexible to student sports and other extracurricular activities.
Operation One World not only serves to greatly help ELL students, but to allow others to learn about and experience other cultures in a way that isn’t possible in a classroom. Many members have found the club to be inspiring, fun, and inviting to all. One new mentor, Alexia Lukosea, junior, says, “I’ve been in the ELL program in the past, and, having a similar background, I feel like I can help [new ELL students] more.”
Operation One World meets once a week, every week, after school on Wednesdays in room 424. For more information contact Ms. Hoisington.
Aliyah Mohiuddin is currently an editor and columnist for The Glen Bard. Her current column is called "Hidden Stars at West," featuring different students...