August Senior Spotlight: Bijoy Shah

Click here to learn more about what Bijoy Shaw, Student Council President, has to say.

To kick off the school year, I chose Bijoy Shah, Student Council President, to be featured in my first “Senior Spotlight.” Every month, “Senior Spotlight” will highlight a specific senior to learn more about them and how they are involved at West. If you know of a senior worthy of recognition, send me an email to nominate them! Let’s find out what Bijoy has to say about his role as senior leader at Glenbard West this upcoming school year.

Abby: Congratulations on being elected our Student Council President! What exciting things do you have in store for us?

Bijoy: I am really excited to re-vamp Student Council’s communication with the rest of the school by making it more digital and student-orientated. I want to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard and that everyone gets a chance to contribute to the school.

Abby: What are you most looking forward to this school year?

Bijoy: I am really looking forward to all the “senior-affiliated” activities, especially the theme days because “I am going to go all out” is what I promised myself freshman year.

Abby: What inspired you to run for President?

Bijoy: I was inspired by Lauren Crowe, the Student Council president when I was a freshman. She really opened my eyes to Student Council and how it is run here at West. I, also, just enjoy planning things and making sure that everything runs smoothly.

Abby: What are some of your goals as President?

Bijoy: My main goal as President this year is to make sure that everyone’s voice is heard and to be a spokesperson for the entire student body. The voice of the student body is very important in a school because we are the kids that attend it and if no one’s voice is heard then no students will enjoy coming to our school.

Abby: Who is your Vice President and how do you intend to work with them to accomplish these goals?

Bijoy: My VP is Ella Crowley and, from past experience, I know that we work very well together. Our minds think alike and it is easy to bounce new ideas off of her and vice versa.

Abby: What other activities are you involved in at West?

Bijoy: I am also involved in Theatre, Forensics, Marching Band, National Honors Society, Senior Mentoring, and West Students for the Disabled.

Abby: Where do you hope to go to college?

Bijoy: I have always wanted to go to Northwestern. Some of my family went there and I really love it there because it’s right next to the city and water and it has such a good program for what I am looking to study.

Abby: What is your favorite memory at West?

Bijoy: My favorite memory at West was giving a speech at freshman orientation this year because I got to be one of the first people to introduce the incoming class to Glenbard West and help smooth the transition from middle school to high school.

Abby: What will you miss the most?

Bijoy: I will miss the amazing faculty at West, but luckily I still have a year with them so I will try to make the most of it. Every single person that works here really goes out of their way to make sure that the lives of the students are successful.

Abby: Cubs or Sox?

Bijoy: Cubs all the way. Also, I’d like to state that I was a fan long before they won!

Abby: Favorite teacher at West?

Bijoy: This is a hard one but I’m going to have to say Mrs. Williams because, junior year, I was really struggling to keep my grade in her class but she really helped me and pushed me to succeed in her class. She also just has the perfect teaching personality: happy and enthusiastic for the students.

Abby: Favorite football theme?

Bijoy: Something simple like a blackout because then everyone is matching!

Abby: What advice would you give younger students?

Bijoy: Take highschool one step at a time. Don’t rush into things but also don’t waste too much time on them because, if done right, these four years will be the best of your life!

It was so great to hear from Bijoy to hear more about his role as a senior!