Opinions: Finals Before Winter Break
If you have not already heard, final exams are now before winter break this year. Yes, this means Glenbard West’s Winter Finals are now before New Year’s and the Holiday’s, starting this year!
Evidently, this causes both excitement and immense stress for many GBW students. To find the scoop on how the student body feels, a few freshmen students were asked both about how they feel regarding the switch to finals before break and how they think finals will go as a whole
Of those interviewed, some students have a positive outlook on this year’s exams. Kendall Hermanson, member of the Class of 2021, states, “I am [a fan of finals before winter break] because it puts off the stress of studying during Christmas and the holidays.”
Roshan Bhagwakar, another freshman, agreed with Kendall saying, “[Finals before winter break] puts off the stress in the break and makes the time off relaxing.”
Other students have less positive responses to the finals switch. PJ Kramer exclaims, “I say heck no to [finals before winter break]. Why? I don’t like finals at all.”
Lilly Phenegar, freshman, also explains “Yes, I am a fan of finals before break, but not of finals as a whole. You know it’s my first year with finals and I’m glad it’s before the break, but I’m hoping they will go well and aren’t stressful.”
Finally, freshman Sean Swikle elaborates, “I think the whole ‘finals before break’ is really cool, but I think I’ll have to find new study habits to ensure I get a good grade.”
All in all, it sounds like the idea of ‘Finals Before Break’ is a hit! Lots of hours of studying, reviewing, and hard work will be put in these next couple weeks to ensure top-notch grades! Good luck to all!

William is currently a senior and is thrilled to be apart of the Glen Bard Editorial Board for his fourth year as the Co-Editor-In-Chief. Besides writing...