Ms. Zartmann: Glenbard West is a beautiful place to work

With the 2018-2019 school year coming to a close, the entire Glenbard West student body shares their appreciation for and celebrates the success of this very rewarding and memorable year. We will also say goodbye to many invaluable members of our faculty, specifically, our Administrative Assistant to the Assistant Principal for Athletics, Ms. Zartmann.
After working for Glenbard West for 25 years, Ms. Zartmann has had her fair share of differing responsibilities here at West. From “working in the hall when [she] first started to working as a study hall supervisor and loving every day, [t]hen working in the dean’s office,” Ms. Zartmann has been here, there, and everywhere in Glenbard West.
Now, in her last year, Ms. Zartmann is not only a wealth of knowledge but also a wealth of memories and shares that her favorite part of her time has been “the people I have worked with, some great people that will be my friends for the rest of my life.”
Throughout the hustle and bustle of her career, Ms. Zartmann states she will really miss it all. Among her favorite endeavours, she will miss “[g]oing to sporting events, being part of an awesome athletic department, hearing from the coaches about their games the night before, working with the best people and of course all the great athletes we are so lucky to have here at Glenbard West.” Above all, she admits that she will “miss coming to this campus every day; what a beautiful place to work!”
Ms. Zartmann shared some wise words. To students, she advised to “[b]e involved in as much as you can, enjoy every day and be yourself, don’t worry about the small stuff it will all work out.”
All in all, although she states that she is looking forward to “Not getting up at 5:00 a.m., not having to worry about buses, being able to sit and enjoy a good book on my front porch.”
Ms. Zartman implores all members of our faculty to “enjoy every day, cause they go by so fast.”
Glenbard West truly appreciates Ms. Zartmann and her lasting legacy on the Athletic Department and beyond.
You will truly be missed by the whole community for your work in filling West with utter pride, tradition, and excellence!

William is currently a senior and is thrilled to be apart of the Glen Bard Editorial Board for his fourth year as the Co-Editor-In-Chief. Besides writing...