New column to provide friendly advice


Who do you go to when you have a question or a problem or need some advice? I often ask this question to students and the answer is almost always “my friends.”

Although friends can be trustworthy and reliable, they’re sometimes too close (to you or the situation) to give a frank, honest answer. In the end, we know that we need someone to be straight with us, even though it might hurt to hear the truth.

This column is going to try and help with that – give you, the students of Glenbard West, a voice and an ear – someone to help you chew on life’s quandaries.

Our team, made up of me (school counselor), innovative students, and experts in fields from all over the world (or Glen Ellyn), will dig down deep to help you find your answers, but they also hope to make you laugh, cry, think, and feel. 

Real interaction is what we seek.

The missing link…is YOU.  We need your questions, viewpoints, and the most current debated topics to knead through like the best of Barone’s pizza dough.  You can submit your questions directly or anonymously to The Glen Bard or by emailing Mr. Neberz or one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief Michelle Bishka or William Hohe.

Looking for direction? Have anxiety about the future? Have a debate to solve? In an argument that needs vetting? Need help with school, a friend, or even a parent? THIS is your place. It’s time to get feedback from “Your Friends.”

Look for “Your Friends’ Advice” in future issues of The Glen Bard. 

This month, a student asked Mr. Neberz generally about standardized testing (ACT & SAT) and how to approach taking exams? The following is his response.

Can I be honest here? I’m not a fan of the standardized test and I personally never did well when I had to take them (approximately 137 years ago). 

We do know, however, that they are a necessary evil. So, what do we do about them? 

First, know that they are not the only important factor in the college admissions process.  What you do in school every day is equally, if not more important. 

Second…What do we do when we’re anxious or nervous about something important?


Now that does NOT mean you have to go spend a bunch of money for a prep class or program, but it does mean you should practice! Sit down at the kitchen table on a rainy Saturday, time yourself, and take an exam. You can easily find them online – ACT and SAT both have pdf versions available and Khan Academy has online exams.

Just remember that you have plenty of opportunities to take (practice) standardized tests in and out of school, so going into test day well-rested and ‘ready to go’ are all you really need. If an exam doesn’t work out as planned, talk to your teachers about areas in the test where you struggled for some practical tips on where to focus.

If you still have issues, speak with your counselor about how to approach the college admissions process with the scores you received. There are plenty of colleges that are test-optional or holistic in their review, where a deficit in testing might not be as detrimental as one thinks.

I hope that helps! 

Send in some questions following the above directions…we’d love to know what’s on YOUR mind!