Get a Start on Your Final Exam Study Routine Now!

Finals—certainly not the most anticipated event, but one of the most crucial academic assessments. They may seem bad at first, but with hard work spent studying, it will seem easy. Here are some study tips to get you started!

1.) Break it up

Studying tends to become stressful, especially if exams are only days away. To avoid stress, you could divide the workload up per day, and refresh your memory a day before the actual test. The earlier you start, the better. Personally, I would recommend the Pomodoro Technique, developed by Francesco Cirillo. First, estimate the time a certain task would take, and then divide it up by intervals. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work until you hear the alarm. Take a 5-minute break, and repeat. 

2.) Avoid Procrastination

Face it, we are all victims of procrastination. Unfortunately, it can lead to becoming overwhelmed. Stress is never a good thing, so try setting up a schedule for yourself. Social Studies and AP Psych teacher, Ms. Zayas, recommends using a calendar to organize what you need to do, and when you need to do it. Set aside your devices, or any other distractions, to work both efficiently and effectively.

3.) Join a study group

Studying with a partner or a group really helps build a form of emotional support. You would be able to access what more you need to learn for the finals and gain new information from other people. If you don’t know how to start off a study session, try quizzing each other! A balance of individual study and group studies is recommended, but of course, it depends on your preference. 

4.) Manage stress

Stress affects your memory. You see, high doses of stress hormones affect performances. Even the act of trying to remember is a stressor. To prevent this, try preparing in a similar environment, in which you can get stressed out to desensitize yourself. Exercise also promotes a sense of well being and relieves anxiety. It is also important to take breaks occasionally, to avoid overwhelming thoughts.

5.) Use Various Resources

Most of the time, teachers will provide a study guide, or maybe some Quizlet sets. Check out your textbooks too, for some worksheets! Using these always helps, as it is important to challenge yourselves in preparation for the exams. If none are available, there’s always the alternative to make your own questions. These will allow you to gain skills essential to more technical questions that may be on the exam.

6.) Practice

When it comes to written responses, math problems and other hands-on questions, practice allows you to perfect the technical skills needed. Through applying them, you will be able to get a better grasp of what you need to do during the actual test. It solidifies understanding, and improves critical thinking skills.

7.) Ask Questions

Don’t be intimidated to ask for help from your teachers. After all, they are here to help. If you find yourself stuck and unsure about a certain topic, go ahead and talk to them about it. Asking your friends or family members would work out too, especially if you need reassurance.

Although grades are important, don’t forget that they aren’t everything. So don’t beat yourself up about the outcome of these finals, as long as you know that you tried your best, study hard, and give it your all. You are bound to succeed.