2010’s: Events that Shaped the Decade
Ten years make a decade, and for the first time, the entirety of the Glenbard West student body has lived through one.
Born between the years 2001 to 2005, all the Hilltoppers have now been able to see the ever-changing scenes and facets of what truly defines a decade.
With the close of the 2010’s in lieu of the new year, here are ten defining events that shaped this momentous decade.
The Year Was 2010:
In this year, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti. I remember I was in first grade when this happened, gathering some of my allowance for a service project for Haiti we were having at school. The iPad became a thing this year, and “Augmented Reality” was a new word (this is what makes Pokémon-Go work, and those fun filters of the hot-dog on Snapchat).
The Year Was 2011:
In this year, the 9/11 conspirator, Osama bin Laden was killed, while South Sudan fought for its freedom to become an independent nation. On top of this, China’s Three Gorges Dam was completely built, making it the largest dam in the world.
The Year Was 2012:
In this year, Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee occurred while the London Olympics were being held. At these games, the United States Girls Gymnastics Team won gold, with Gabby Douglas taking home the first all-around title won by an African-American woman. At the same time, Windows 8 was released and the Wii U was being sold in stores, and people thought the world was going to end (thanks, Mayans…).
The Year was 2013:
In this year, North Korea was conducting LOTS of nuclear tests. A royal baby was born in the U.K., and game consoles like Xbox One and PS4 were released as well. Cannabis was fully legislated in Uruguay, the First Nation to do so, and China landed on the Moon.
The Year Was 2014:
In this year, gay marriages were legalized in England and Wales, while people could be more technologically advanced through their own glasses via Google Glass eyewear. World War I had its 100th anniversary, while Scotland comes to the conclusion NOT to leave the United Kingdom. The new World Trade Center was completed in New York and smart watches become not just an idea but an invention of the present.
The Year Was 2015:
In this year, a fully efficient, artificial heart became created. Queen Elizabeth II also became the longest reigning monarch of British history. The left shark stole Katy Perry’s spotlight at Super Bowl XLIX, while people simultaneously got confused on whether the dress was white and gold or blue and black (I’m still confused). Caitlyn Jenner introduced herself to the world, while same-sex marriage was legalized in the United States. Towards the end of the year, Paris saw its deadliest attack since World War II, when mass shootings killed 130 people.
The Year Was 2016:
In this year, El Chapo was recaptured and David Bowie passed away. Other greats like Harper Lee, Prince, and Muhummad Ali passed away in the same year as well. Hillary Clinton became the first woman to be nominated to be president in the Democratic Party and in any major U.S. political party. Rio hosted the Olympic Summer Games, with Simone Biles stealing the show, winning gold in every event except the beam, where she took bronze. Finally, our own Chicago Cubs won the World Series after 108 years.
The Year Was 2017:
In this year, Brexit was a contested issue, with Theresa May being subjected to a plethora of memes. Trump was inaugurated and had his first year as president. London and Manchester bombings were heavily publicized as Las Vegas shootings were remembered in the United States. The Syrian Crisis continued, Catalonians fought for their independence from the rest of Spain, and the Women’s March on Washington became a monumental step for the #MeToo movement.
The Year Was 2018:
In this year, Trump was really, really concerned about immigration, causing the government to shut down for a bit. At the Winter Olympics this year, the Korean team competed as one. Meghan Markle iconically joined the royal family across the pond, while Sears and Toys “R” Us filed for bankruptcy. Mass shootings caused increase concerns over gun control in the United States. Wildfires scorched California, and Jeff Bezos became the richest man in Modern History.
The Year Was 2019:
Yes, it is crazy to believe 2019 is coming to a close. In this year, the 116th Congress became the most diverse group of congressmen, congresswomen, congress individuals EVER, with revolutionaries like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez coming to the scene. A UCLA gymnast went viral after she scored a perfect “10” on her floor routine. Lori Lightfoot became the Mayor of Chicago, the first black female and first openly gay individual to become mayor of Chicago. The 92nd Scripps Bee saw eight kids win the title…they literally ran out of words. Michelle Obama’s Becoming was released as the most popular memoir literally EVER (10 million copies, go Michelle!). Greta Thunberg, a Swedish school girl, led the charges in Climate Activism with strikes around the globe. Lizzo released her first album and became an international sensation (and still will for years to come). Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had their baby. The Amazon Rainforest went up in flames, while Notre Dame did the same. Even so, people attempted to raid Area 51, unsuccessfully. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper sang “Shallow” at the Oscars, while college admission scandals ravaged the nation. And, in 2019, the 2010’s officially came to a close.
Looking back on these past 10 years, it is weird to think that I can still vividly remember the events I experienced as a first grader and the many impacts of the happenings of these decades. Seeing the transformation of an individual, like myself, a nation, and world, I am overjoyed and excited to see where 2020 and the next 10 years will take us.

William is currently a senior and is thrilled to be apart of the Glen Bard Editorial Board for his fourth year as the Co-Editor-In-Chief. Besides writing...