May Senior Spotlight: Juliette Winter

This month’s senior spotlight is on senior Juliette Winter! Get to know this kind-hearted, thoughtful senior through an interview conducted back in March (before Glenbard West had to shut down). Continue reading to hear about her experience at West!

What activities have you been involved in throughout your years here at West?

Juliette: I have been involved in theatre, marching band, and choir.

You are heavily involved in the arts. What has been your overall experience in these clubs, especially Theatre because you are the president?

Juliette: It has been a really amazing experience to lead a club this large and open to all. I’ve had so much fun working with Robbie Matthew (senior and Vice President of Theatre), and it has been amazing to see everyone grow in the club, especially the freshmen.

Moving on from your extracurriculars, what has been the most interesting class here at West for you?

Juliette: Definitely AP Seminar, it was really helpful when it came to writing essays. I had a lot of fun learning and working with everyone in that class.

What about the most challenging class?

Juliette: The most challenging was AP Computer Science, it definitely pushed me and challenged me throughout my junior year.

Do you have any advice for those taking honors or AP classes?

Juliette: Take your time and do not be afraid to reach out for help, that was definitely a mistake I made freshman year because I didn’t reach out to my teachers when I needed help. I recommend reaching out to teachers or NHS students, that really helped me out a lot.

Who have been your favorite teachers at West?

Juliette: I have two favorite teachers: Mr. Fox and Mr. Walsh. I have been working with them since freshman year and it has been just a great experience to be in the fine arts department with them.

What will you miss most when you leave Glenbard West?

Juliette: I love the amount of traditions Glenbard West has throughout the year, it truly brings everyone together with pride for our school. 

Juliette Winter plans on attending the University of Vermont this fall, studying in exercise science to become a physical therapist. Thank you so much Juliette for all you have done for our school, Glenbard West will miss you!