Congratulations to Mrs. Cerabona, head librarian, on her retirement
Mrs. Kathy Cerabona, GBW Head Librarian, will retire at the end of this school year after 32 years. As an incomparable member of the Glenbard West staff, Mrs. Cerabona was first hired as Assistant Librarian (1989-1992), then transitioned into the Library Department Chair (1992-2012), which changed to the title Head Librarian (2012-present).
As the advisor of all the Elliott Library’s activities and operations, Mrs. Cerabona has had the unique opportunity to work with the entirety of the student body, teachers, and staff. Mrs. Cerabona shares that she “will miss all the wonderful people [she] ha[s] worked with,” with a special emphasis on her fellow library staff and the library regulars.
After her 32 years, Mrs. Cerabona joked that she will “finally get to graduate with the Class of 2021.” She shared some words of wisdom for current seniors and all students alike, saying, “Enjoy your time here at the Castle on the Hill. It is a privilege to be here, and the time passes by so very quickly. Remember all the good times and the good people who make up the Glenbard West family.”
Mrs. Cerabona hopes to be remembered “as a person who did her best to make the Elliott Library […] the very best that it could be for our students and staff.” She is proud of the work and time she has dedicated to the Elliot Library and Glenbard West and all the improvements that have been made because of it.
Things have changed so much, in fact; Mrs. Cerabona gave The Glen Bard an anecdote that “When [she] started working here in the fall of 1989, the library was located on the opposite end of the building, we had one CD-ROM workstation (NewsBank), and we used the old-fashion card catalog to find books.” Obviously, the Elliott Library has come a long way, now featuring much more than one CD-ROM workstation, and instead features “access [to] numerous online databases, our online catalog, and our many e-books and audiobooks” all thanks to the leadership and effort of Mrs. Cerabona.
Glenbard West celebrates Mrs. Kathy Cerabona’s impact on our school community and thank her for the many years she has put in working as part of our staff. The student body, faculty, and staff will miss her next year and are grateful for her legacy through the Elliott Library.

William is currently a senior and is thrilled to be apart of the Glen Bard Editorial Board for his fourth year as the Co-Editor-In-Chief. Besides writing...