As of this Fall 2023, the Glenbard West theatrical performers, producers (Micheal Fox), cast, and crew have been hard at work on their most recent production: The Spongebob Musical. The group held their opening night November 2nd, and closed on the night of November 4th. The show takes the watcher on an adventure under the sea, where a friendly sponge, Spongebob Squarepants (Alexa Dutca), teams up with his two closest friends, Sandy Cheeks, the scientific squirrel (Paige Brondyke), and the harmless, but slightly unaware starfish, Patrick Star (Henry Tatarunas). They team up to face the nearby underwater volcano, which earned the title “Code Orange,” due to its high likelihood of reigning mass destruction on Spongebob’s town and everything he knows.
While the town is in a pure state of panic and chaos, two burger business competitors, Eugene Krabs (Wesley Zagortz) and Sheldon Plankton (Addie Williams) exploit the town much to their own advantage. Krabs exploits the people by advertising his Krusty Krab burgers as a cure to their hopeless anxiety. Plankton manipulates the town into thinking he has prepared a device to transport them to a safer location, but in reality, it is a device to hypnotize the town into buying his burgers over Krusty Krab’s.
In desperate need to fund this “device”, the town decides to host a hit boy band, “The Electric Skates.”. After this plan takes a rapid twist downhill, the band quits, and the upcoming star, Squidward, (Casey Sury) makes his debut, pursuing all that he has passion for: a sparkly jazz number declaring his abdication of his previously marked title “loser”. While this didn’t rake up all of the necessary coins to sponsor the escape project, the power of friendship between Spongebob, Sandy Cheeks, and Patrick Star, defeat the prospect of natural disaster and the clutch of the town supervillains, Plankton and his wife, Karen the Computer (Sam Kroening).
To close out the show, the climax consists of Sandy Cheeks and Spongebob’s dangerous journey to the top of the volcano. Plankton and Karen have the goal of preventing Sandy Cheeks from placing her “bubble pressure releasor” into the volcano, which would use the magic of science to withstand the deadly eruption. They fire a missile at the volcano, creating an avalanche that sweeps Sandy Cheeks and Spongebob from underneath their feet. Patrick Star comes to their rescue, with Sandy’s jetpack handy, and saves them from an untimely demise. From there on, nothing can stop them from saving the day and stopping the catastrophic volcano.
Overall, this was a very enjoyable watch, with many creative and impressive costume and set additions. Honorable mentions would be the solo cup coral reef, makeshift double-sided pants for Squidward, and the bright red boxing gloves symbolizing claws for Mr. Krabs. Another important acknowledgement would be to shout out the strong and beautiful vocals of Pearl Krabs (Bella DiCosola), as she attempts to reach out to her materialistic father, Mr. Krabs, to pursue her true hopes and dreams. While this may be a tough act to follow, we can look forward to Glenbard West theater’s winter black box performances, and upcoming spring play, Romeo and Juliet.