- It’s “School-o-gy” not “School-awl-o-gy.”
- Lockers are not real.
- Actually go and participate at school events; your couch will still be there when you get back.
- Spend time outside and take advantage of the campus.
- Be respectful when downtown.
- Keep your friends close but your school ID closer.
- The vending machines will eat your coins.
- Have fun with spirit weeks and be creative.
- Buy extra Apple Pencil tips now; you’re going to lose it.
- Stay hydrated so you do not pass out at the top of the stairs, especially if you’re climbing up the tower.
- Don’t feed the Lake Ellyn geese!!!
Be an Academic Weapon, not a Casualty.
Stay Delulu, but also study
- Go to sleep. No assignment is worth your health, mental or physical (yes, even physics and chem).
- Grades are fake but turn it in anyway.
- Don’t suffer in silence. Ask for help with your schoolwork when you need it.
- Retakes are only worth it if you have enough time to devote to relearning the material.
- Take advantage of support hours.
- Take classes YOU like, not just your friends.
- Cheating is not worth it. (Academic or otherwise).
- Build good relationships with at least a few of your teachers — it can do nothing but help.
- Don’t. Spoil. English. Book. Endings.
- ASK your teachers questions! It’s literally their job to help you understand concepts.
- Go to tutoring services like The Write Place, Strive, and AP Cafe. The rumors are true, they’re free.
- In class, if you have answered three questions consecutively, settle down.
- Leave room in your schedule to take fun classes.
- Always give your classmate notes from when they were absent.
- Learn what study methods work for you.
- Talk to people in your classes.
- Don’t let others tell you what you can or can’t take; it’s good to challenge yourself.
- Turn off PowerSchool notifications. Don’t torture yourself.
- Track your assignments (the MyHomework app is great).
- Use Finish Strong resources; they’re a literal lifesaver.
- You can always change your classes, except when you can’t. Know the difference and ask your counselor if you’re not sure.
- Don’t ignore your easier classes. They can sneak up on you.
- Your teachers are people too; they deserve respect even on their off days.
- Summer school exists and it’s not only for when you fail classes.
- Plan to complete all your requirements in advance. Don’t leave it for senior year.
- At least try and participate in class…sometimes?
- Don’t be a dud, participate in group work.
- Don’t be overly controlling, let others participate in group work.
- Take an art class! They’re fun and a good brain break (art history doesn’t count).
- When in doubt, pick C.
Rules of the Road
Who needs traffic laws when you have vibes; but seriously move
- This is America, WALK ON THE RIGHT SIDE of the hall.
- Don’t stop suddenly in the hallway, unless your backpack is equipped with brake lights.
- Say hi to people you know in the halls (at least smile, wave, or do the bro head nod).
- Push doors open for people behind you. It’s common courtesy folks.
- Stay alert in the hallways, or you will crash into someone (or worse, a door frame).
- Apologize if you flat-tire people 🙂
- Look both ways before you cross the road.
- Beware of Jeeps.
- There is no need to scream anywhere outside a sporting event.
- You’re in a hallway. Let’s put a check on the PDA (holding each other in the corner is mad creepy and makes teachers uncomfortable).
- Attention all Sophomores and Juniors! Stop driving like maniacs or senior citizens; there’s a healthy medium!
Public Decorum
Very cutesy, very mindful, very demure
- You don’t need to give your boyfriend a kiss before class like he’s going off to war.
- Wear what makes you happy*.
- Make sure your phone volume is off because you don’t want to have the last TikTok you watched start blasting in class.
- Don’t be afraid to talk to people of the opposite gender (they don’t have cooties anymore).
- Don’t come to school sick. Wear a mask if you are coughing. Stop the spread!
- RETURN anything you borrow from classmates.
- Touch grass not each other, (looking at you any group of underclassmen boys left to their own devices).
- Don’t take pictures in the locker room. No need to be a felon.
- Uggs are not gym shoes.
- Don’t spoil NYT games answers.
- Wear weather-appropriate clothes. Shorts in the middle of January have never made anyone look cool.
- Don’t put on your face in the middle of class; keep it to touch-ups.
- Be nice to substitute teachers**.
- Don’t throw things.
At Least Pass the Smell Check
And Commit to the Aura of Organization
- Perfume/cologne should be applied minimally (leave the Axe body spray in middle school…where it belongs).
- Use hand sanitizer after you blow your nose. It’s right there people.
- Bring deodorant. Seriously.
- Have a folder for your papers; your backpack does not need to be a hot mess.
- Wash your gym uniform. Everyone can see that ring of makeup on your collar.
- Don’t share eye makeup.
- Clean your water bottle — nobody wants mold.
- Plan your own lunch, it’s a basic life skill.
- Pick up your trash (we can’t believe this is on the list).
- Keep your shoes on (same as above).
Sage Advice
- Clubs are a great place to find your people; try as many as you can.
- There is no perfect school-life balance. You don’t need to have it all figured out right now.
- Try everything once, if legal.
- Don’t take criticism from people you wouldn’t take advice from.
- If you wear a band t-shirt, know that it’s a band.
- You don’t have to get along with everyone.
- Midwest weather is bipolar; layers are your best friend.
- Try a sport if you can. They are a great way to build community, push yourself, and feel accomplished.
- Don’t be a screenager.
- Nobody is paying attention to you as much as you pay attention to yourself.
- We’ve all had acne. It is normal and not something you have to feel self conscious about. The more you leave it alone, the faster it’ll go away.
- You’re allowed to screw up, because then you’ll have better stories.
- If it’s not going to matter in five years, don’t spend more than five minutes being upset about it.
- Don’t worry about getting dates for dances.
- Snapchat does not disappear unlike the ghost suggests. Be smart about what you share.
- Don’t make a nuisance of yourself. Being loud does not equal cool (looking at you freshmen).
- Remember: people change and so will you.
- Don’t choose between a sport or an after-school activity; you can do both.
- Hating pop music doesn’t make you deep.
- Find people you can be silly and excited for stuff with 😉
- Join the school newspaper.
- Enjoy every day. High school will go by faster than you think.